AQ Essential Oil – BASIL SWEET


* IMAGE SHOWS PLANT or RESIN this oil is distilled from. Product supplied is a LIQUID ESSENTIAL OIL, a premium quality 100% pure & natural plant derived oil, with no padding, additives or fillers. All AQ Essential Oils are Single Source: distilled from a single plant type & country of origin; no AQ oils are ‘blended’ from multiple oils or reconstituted from various plant chemicals. DISCOVER MORE about using Essential Oils HERE.

* SIZING – Choose your bottle size before adding it to your cart. 10ml Bottles are Cobalt Glass + Flow Restrictor; 50ml are Amber Glass + Flow Restrictor. Some precious oils are available in 4ml Cobalt Glass Vials + Dropper Fitting.

BASIL SWEET (Ocimum basilicum), India.

Used as an inhalation, Basil is reputed to clear the head, relieve intellectual fatigue, and give the mind strength and clarity. It has a pleasant sweet, herbaceous scent and may be used for all types of nervous disorders, especially those associated with weakness, indecision or hysteria.

Basil’s antispasmodic properties make it useful for the relief of sinus congestion, asthma, bronchitis and influenza. Also effective for treating menstrual problems.

Avoid using in baths, as it may cause skin irritation, and avoid when pregnant.