AQ Essential Oil Blend – COLD & FLU RELIEF


A BLEND OF PREMIUM QUALITY ESSENTIAL OILS – 100% pure, natural, plant derived oils with no padding or additives. Available as a PURE OIL BLEND or a pre-made scented INHALER STICK. Make your choice before adding it to your cart:

BOTTLED OIL – Each Essential Oil Blend is supplied in 10ml Cobalt Glass bottles, while 50ml sizes come in Amber Glass. All include dripolator / flow restrictor for safety. Use bottled blends in diffusers, for making your own inhaler sticks or roll-ons. Also suitable for baths, or dilute for topical application etc. Visit our DISCOVER pages to learn how to use your essential oils & blends.
INHALER STICK – We pre-scent our Inhalers with a generous amount of the oil blend. Inhalers work as portable personal diffusers to take anywhere. Keep the cover screwed tightly between uses – oils will naturally dissipate over time. Oils can be replenished via a bottled blend (purchased separately) once the scent fades.

(See also our ‘COLD & FLU DEFENCE’ blend, listed separately.)


Aromatherapy is excellent for treating respiratory issues, and our Cold & Flu Relief Essential Oil Blend contains natural essential oils known to be antiseptic and antiviral, decongestant and expectorant, to assist with relieving symptoms and help with breathing difficulties.

RELIEF is excellent in a room burner or warm bath, or in an inhaler stick for portable diffusing. Cold & Flu Relief Essential Oil Blend contains pure essential oils including Eucalyptus (Euc globulus), fresh and woody Cypress & Pine Scotch, as well as crisp Rosemary oil. The pleasant natural scent is a pleasure to use.

RELIEF can be used via a number of methods, including:
* 8 – 10 drops in any Aromatherapy oil diffuser
* 8 – 10 drops in a bath
* 3 – 4 drops in a steam inhalation
* 8 – 10 drops in a blank stick inhaler (one FREE blank inhaler stick included)
* 1 – 2 drops on a tissue and inhaled as necessary
* 5 – 6 drops per 10ml carrier oil or base cream to make a chest or body rub. Avoid creams using petro-chemicals as they form a barrier to stop penetration of the oils, and avoid applying to the eye or mouth area. ALWAYS dilute before application to the skin.

Learn HOW TO USE ESSENTIAL OILS via our blog, HERE. We cover easy to understand information on some of the best ways to use your oils and blends. Learn more about AROMATHERAPY SAFETY HERE.

SKU: AQ-100CR Categories: , ,