Incense Cones – Green Tree PALO SANTO


44 in stock

Green Tree Candle Company is one of our favourite premium quality ’boutique’ incense makers. Their incense features natural mixtures of herbs, gums, resins, woods and oils. Each fragrance has been carefully created according to traditional Indian recipes. Relaxing for both the body and the mind, free of animal cruelty – AND packaged with no plastic.

Each pack contains ten incense cones and a simple metal burning plate. Also available in STICKS.

PALO SANTO means ‘Holy Wood’ in Spanish. The tree (Bursera graveolens) is from the same family as Frankincense & Myrrh, but is primarily native to South America. Using the burning timber as incense has traditionally been used against bad energy, or for good luck, and charcoal from the burnt wood has also been used for ritual smudging.

Visit our DISCOVER pages for more info on INCENSE TYPES and how to burn them.