Incense Sticks – AUROSHIKHA RESIN STICKS, BENZOIN (Siam – Premium)


* Made from pure SIAM BENZOIN (Styrax tonkinensis), pack of 10 thick, longer-sized 25cm sticks. A premium quality Benzoin, with a balsamic fragrance of a sweet vanilla type.

Auroshikha Resin Incense Sticks combine the gorgeous scents of pure natural resins & botanicals like Frankincense, Myrrh or Sandalwood, into the simplicity of ‘stick’ form, making them as easy to use as your standard Indian incense stick, yet with the purity of resin. At approx 25cm in length and a very thick size, they are particularly strong in scent as well as being long burning. Handmade in India by Auroshikha, our ethical incense manufacturer of choice where all of their profits go back to the community who makes them.

Being made with pure resins, their scent is lush and rich. The fragrance helps purify the atmosphere and aid concentration and meditation.

Visit our DISCOVER pages for more info on RESINS, or INCENSE TYPES and how to burn them.