
Safety Notes

BURNING SMUDGE STICKS: Never leave burning botanicals unattended and always keep out of reach of children or pets. Always burn on a heat-proof surface, and safely dispose of ash only once it has cooled.

ASTHMA: Like many other irritants, smoke from burning smudge can irritate asthmatic conditions. If you or anyone in your family are known asthmatics please consider this before purchasing or using any smudge products.

What is Smudging?

Many indigenous tribes of the US and Canada traditionally perform a purification ritual known as ‘smudging’: using herbal smoke to clear the atmosphere of negative vibrations and fill the environment with positive, uplifting energies.

Smudge Sticks are typically bundled wands made of bound herbs such as White Sage, Cedar or Pine leaves, or other sage variations. The stick is lit like incense, allowing it to smoulder and the sweet, fragrant smoke of the natural botanicals to fill the air. Loose botanicals like Sage Leaves or Palo Santo wood can also be used.

Scroll down for instructions on how to burn a Smudge Stick.               


White Sage

White Sage is the most commonly used herb in Smudging, believed to purify the mind, body and spirit before praying, and to cleanse the atmosphere. Sage is believed by many to be a masculine plant that can reduce or eliminate negative energy; some place sage at doorways for protection against evil. The scent will remind you of the desert and the sacredness of life.

Scientifically, papers published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology have found that burning Sage can act as an air purifier, clearing airborne bacteria by up to 94% – suggesting that the ancient practice of burning powerful herbal material has strong scientific grounding and medical benefits.

White Sage can be used as a bundled Smudge Stick (instructions below), as loose leaves that can be lit as they are, or as crushed leaves that can be burned on a charcoal tablet, as you would with resin incense.


While White Sage is considered to be a masculine herb that offers protection against negativity, Cedar is known as the Mother and giver of life. Cedar is said to be the first tree created, making the trees very old, wise and powerful spirits. Cedar is sacred to many native Indian tribes of the US and Canada, believed to offer protection and attract positive energy, uplift feelings and generally evoke positivity.

Cedar is often used to cleanse a home or space when first moving in, inviting unwanted spirits to leave and protecting a person, place or object from unwanted influences. Cedar leaves can be placed at entrances to a home, or for extra grounding may be placed inside shoes for daily wear. Burned as wands they can be used for protection, purification, cleansing, wealth, healing and prosperity.

Black Sage / Mugwort

The Genus Artemisia is a group of over 200 species commonly referred to as wormwood, mugwort, or sagebrush. Artemisia vulgaris is commonly used in Smudging, usually known as Black Sage or Mugwort. It is also known as ‘Dream Weed’ for its associations as a dream & prophecy stimulant.

The Latin name Artemisia vulgaris comes from its associations as the sacred herb of Artemis, the Greek goddess of the moon, and so is often linked with women, lust and fertility. In Smudging, Mugwort is believed to be particularly strong, useful for divination and seeking spiritual journeys & prophetic dreams.

Blue Sage

Blue Sage, also known as “Grandmother Sage”, is an aroma to cleanse negativity and hate, believed to help bring wealth, health, prosperity, healing and coolness to your life. Like all sages, Blue Sage is said to dispel negativity. Blue Sage can be used in a ritual ceremony, house cleansing or simply for aroma pleasure.

Desert Sage

Desert Sage (Artemisia tridentata) is best known as the richly aromatic sage that blankets the Santa Fe, Taos area. Its fragrance draws your heart to the wind swept, sun blessed deserts of New Mexico.

Desert Sage’s use as a Smudging herb as a traditional alternative to White Sage is believed to cleanse the mind, body, and spirit, or even a particular place, of unwanted negative energies.


Wild Lavender / Purple Sage

While not related to the Lavender we use in aromatherapy (Lavandula angustifolia), Wild Lavender Sage (Salvia officinalis purpurea – also known as Lavender Sage or Purple Sage) is a member of the Salvia (sage) family. It gets its name from its clusters of purple flowers which make it physically resemble Lavender, especially when in bloom, and its similar clean, flowery fragrance. The leaves are rounded, green, and slightly fuzzy like Common Sage, but darken to gray when dried.

Wild Lavender is known for its calming, peaceful, and sedating effects, and may inspire love and relieve anxiety.

Palo Santo

Palo Santo means ‘Holy Wood’ in Spanish. The tree (Bursera graveolens) is from the same family as Frankincense & Myrrh, but is primarily native to South America. The oil was used during the time of the Incas for its reputed spiritual purifying properties, and charcoal from the burnt wood has also been used for ritual smudging. Using the burning wood as incense has traditionally been used against bad energy, or for good luck. Both the smoke and oil have been used for centuries for medical purposes, and the smoke is even used as an insect (mosquito) deterrent.

TO BURN: To burn a Palo Santo stick, light one end until it has caught, then blow out and allow it to smoulder as you would with an incense stick. Place in a suitable bowl or holder, or use an Abalone Shell with a layer of sand or earth as a natural bowl. Palo Santo Chips or Resin can be burned on charcoal tablets as you would with resin incense.

Piñon Pine

The Piñon Pine is an evergreen tree from the foothills of the American Southwest. Piñon has a smooth, woodsy, earthy pine scent that is particularly strong due to its high concentration of resin.

Burned as smudge or incense, Pine is used to help reverse negativity while giving protection against illnesses and negative influences. As a purifying herb it is often used in cleansing rituals or for new beginnings, to remove negative energies from rooms or spaces, as well as people, objects or crystals, and to prepare the space (or person) with fresh intent. It has also been also used for prosperity and money-drawing, and even fertility.


Long treasured in Native American ceremonies, Sweetgrass can be found all across the U.S. in wet meadows, low prairies, lakeshores and canyons, and its use in smudging is believed to bring about a connection to the land and the Earth. It is known for its unmistakably sweet aroma – Sweetgrass has a dry, sweet smell when burned.

In smudging, just as Sage is believed to cleanse and clear negativity, Sweetgrass is used to bring positivity; to cleanse and purify, and to invite positive, peaceful energies and spirits into a space or ritual. Sweetgrass tends to be used at the end of a smudging ritual to help bring back a feeling positivity and calm.

Yerba Santa

Also known as Holy Weed, Mountain Balm, Consumptive’s Weed, Gum Bush, Bear’s Weed, Sacred Herb or Sacred Weed, Yerba Santa leaves are considered sacred in Native American and Spanish cultures.

In smudging or as incense, Yerba Santa has traditionally been used for protection, purification and setting boundaries, with a long history of use as an altar offering. It is believed to be grounding and balancing, and can help with empowerment or courage, for grief or shyness, or the release of emotional pain. In the US Southwest, Yerba Santa has also traditionally been used herbally for respiratory issues and healing powers. The scent is pleasant, earthy and uplifting.

How to Burn a Smudge Stick or Palo santo

To use a Smudge Stick, place it in a heatproof dish or abalone shell filled with sand or ashes to keep it upright – use a Tripod Stand for your shell if stationary, or carefully hold the stick against the shell if you wish to move around during the ritual.

Light the tip of the bundle on fire until the Smudge Stick catches, then blow out the flame to allow the herbs to smoulder. Re-light as necessary.

If your stick has become damp or has been in a humid environment it may need to be relit during use, or dried before you use it – try placing in the sun or a warm environment to remove excess moisture.

To extinguish, invert into the sand until the embers are out, and dispose of the ash once it has cooled. As with any incense, never leave a lit smudge stick unattended and take care burning around children or pets.


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After some unexpected events, we apologise but AROMA QUEEN IS NEEDING TO TEMPORARILY CLOSE while we partially relocate our stock. Our site will be unavailable from NOW until early October.

We`ll post as soon as we know an exact date and are open for orders, and look forward to being back soon. 😁

Apologies for the short notice and any inconvenience caused.

x The Queen

$7.50 per roll of 44 x 17.5cm sticks

Our SANDALWOOD & JASMINE sticks are made of entirely natural ingredients, including high quality sandalwood and Himalayan herbs. Sandalwood is renowned for its relaxing effect, making it a beautiful choice for meditation or calm.

Approx 44 x 17.5cm sticks in each 55g pack. Handmade in Kathmandu, Nepal by Chandra Devi.

Dhoop sticks are bamboo-less sticks featuring complex blends of herbs, resins & botanicals, creating a rustic aroma much less ‘perfumed’ than most commercial
incense, and prepared entirely by hand according to ancient Tibetan medical practices. The perfect incense to enhance meditation, create a sacred atmosphere,
help eliminate negative energies or stress, or rejuvenate positive energy.

See all of our DHOOP STICKS and burners HERE:

DISCOVER MORE about Different Incense Types and How to Burn Them, HERE:

* Aromatherapy * Incense * Smudge *

FREE SHIPPING for Orders over $100

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#incensesticks #natural #scent #perfume #fragrance
#relax #calm #zen #wellbeing #ScentYourLife

$7.95 per roll of 44 x 17.5cm sticks

SNOWLION incense is composed of 55 different herbal ingredients including saffron, nagi, and both red and white sandalwood. The incense is prepared using special ancient traditional arts of the monastic orders of Tibet.

Approx 44 x 17.5cm sticks in each 55g pack. Handmade in Kathmandu, Nepal by Chandra Devi.

Dhoop sticks are bamboo-less sticks featuring complex blends of herbs, resins & botanicals, creating a rustic aroma much less ‘perfumed’ than most commercial incense, and prepared entirely by hand according to ancient Tibetan medical practices. The perfect incense to enhance meditation, create a sacred atmosphere, help eliminate negative energies or stress, or rejuvenate positive energy.

See all of our DHOOP STICKS and burners HERE:

DISCOVER MORE about Different Incense Types and How to Burn Them, HERE:

* Aromatherapy * Incense * Smudge *

FREE SHIPPING for Orders over $100

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FOCUS ON OILS: ORANGE SWEET (Citrus sinensis), Australia.

An incredibly useful and inexpensive oil for your collection, Sweet Orange Essential Oil is cold pressed from the fresh ripe outer peel. The oil has a zesty, refreshing citrus fragrance and is known as a ‘cheerful’ oil that conveys warmth, happiness and joy, perfect to help to relax and unwind.

Children tend to love the smell of orange, and it can be used to help them sleep. It`s also recommended for the treatment of constipation or swollen tissue. In skincare, Orange oil is beneficial and soothing to dry, irritated or acne prone skin.

CLEANING: As Orange oil has such a joyful, uplifting scent that leaves a lovely citrus freshness, it’s a great choice for Chemical Free Cleaning. Orange is also an excellent de-greaser, so your cleaning products can benefit from having Orange oil added to them. Visit our DISCOVER pages for more Chemical Free Cleaning ideas.


Or see all of our CITRUS scented oils and incense in the one place:

Want to know more? DISCOVER MORE about Aromatherapy and How to Use Essential Oils, HERE:

* Aromatherapy * Incense * Smudge *

FREE SHIPPING for Orders over $100

#orange #orangeoil #aromatherapy #essentialoil #essentialoils #natural #scent #fragrance #perfume #wellbeing #calm #relax #stress #ScentYourLife #Aroma_Queen

A GRADE - $7.95 / 15g

Our Guggul is the highest grade of GUGGUL / GOKUL / BDELLIUM / MUKUL MYRRH PIECES, sourced from Nepal.

This Guggul resin is from the Commiphora wightii (a flowering plant in the family Burseraceae, most common in northern India), and is also known under the common names Indian bdellium-tree, or Mukul myrrh.

The gummy resin is harvested from the small tree’s bark through the process of tapping. When burned as incense, Guggul has a fragrance similar to myrrh, with a warm, slightly sweet, balsamic, herbaceous and earthy aroma with hints of vanilla.

Guggul is often burnt after sundown to lend a tranquil note to the evening – it is the same product that was known in Hebrew, ancient Greek and Latin sources as bdellium. It is also a useful resin to burn during meditation.

When carried from room to room, Guggul is said to drive away evil spirits and remove the evil eye from the home and its family members. Comiphora wightii has also been a key component in ancient Indian Ayurvedic medicine for nearly 3,000 years.

Find it in our RESIN INCENSE section HERE:

Resin incense, botanical powders, flowers, leaves and woods can be burned for their natural scent, either over a charcoal disk or using a candle warmed censer (burner) – see our DISCOVER pages for our easy to follow PHOTO TUTORIAL on burning charcoal tablets:

* Aromatherapy * Incense * Smudge *

FREE SHIPPING for Orders over $100

#incense #resinincense #resin #naturalincense #frankincense #myrrh #copal #sandalwood #natural #scent #perfume #fragrance #relax #calm #zen #wellbeing #ScentYourLife #Aroma_Queen

Approx 11-13cm in length, and around 2-3cm in diameter.
Now $9.95 each.

Find them HERE:

Or see all of our smudge sticks, palo santo and burners HERE:

DESERT SAGE (Artemisia tridentata) is best known as the richly aromatic sage that blankets the Santa Fe, Taos area. Its fragrance draws your heart to the wind swept, sun blessed deserts of New Mexico.

Its use as a smudging herb as a traditional alternative to white sage (listed separately) is believed to cleanse the mind, body, and spirit, or even a particular place, of unwanted negative energies.

NOTE RE SIZE: Handmade natural products all vary in shape and size; some may have longer or shorter stems, or will be slightly longer or thicker than others. The item you receive may look a little different to the one pictured, however all are made to the highest quality and generally well within the size range outlined above.

Want to know more? DISCOVER MORE about Smudging and the different types of sticks used, HERE:

* Aromatherapy * Incense * Smudge *

FREE SHIPPING for Orders over $100

#desertsage #smudging #smudge #smudgestick #smudgestick #sage #whitesage #abalone #negativity #positivity #wellbeing #clearing #cleanse #protection #healing #ritual #smoke #ScentYourLife #Aroma_Queen

$7.50 per roll of 44 x 17.5cm sticks

Our AMBER & MUSK sticks are created using a special manner of preparation – one of the ancient traditional arts of the monastic orders of Tibet. This incense comprises 35 different herbal ingredients, and is used for prayer and health.

Approx 44 x 17.5cm sticks in each 55g pack. Handmade in Kathmandu, Nepal by Chandra Devi.

Dhoop sticks are bamboo-less sticks featuring complex blends of herbs, resins & botanicals, creating a rustic aroma much less ‘perfumed’ than most commercial incense, and prepared entirely by hand according to ancient Tibetan medical practices. The perfect incense to enhance meditation, create a sacred atmosphere, help eliminate negative energies or stress, or rejuvenate positive energy.

See all of our DHOOP STICKS and burners HERE:

DISCOVER MORE about Different Incense Types and How to Burn Them, HERE:

* Aromatherapy * Incense * Smudge *

FREE SHIPPING for Orders over $100

#dhoop #dhoopsticks #incense #incensestick #incensesticks #natural #scent #perfume #fragrance #relax #calm #zen #wellbeing #ScentYourLife #Aroma_Queen

HONEYSUCKLE (Lonicera Caprifolium), India.
Honeysuckle is one of those scents that just oozes `spring`, and reminds us of the upcoming warmer weather. And - yes - Honeysuckle Oil is currently half price in our CLEARANCE section (was $29.95 / 10ml - NOW $14.95).

Honeysuckle oil has a sweet, honey-like floral scent: the sweetly floral fragrance can help melt away mental and physical stress while leaving you with a tranquil, calm state of mind, and is often used as an additive in perfume oils and body products. Like some oils, it can be quite strong whiffed straight from the bottle, but try adding a drop or two to a tissue to add the subtle, uplifting fragrance to your space.

Honeysuckle essential oil is steam distilled from the flowers of the Lonicera Caprifolium, which is native to eastern Asia and Japan – the flowers, seeds, and leaves are used for various medical purposes, or for centuries have been used in Chinese medicine to help treat respiratory conditions.

The oil is believed to possess a number of potent antioxidants, along with certain acids that fight free radicals, which may help decrease the process of aging. Anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties make it an excellent oil to help prevent bacterial infections, or to treat aching joints and sore muscles – it may also be of benefit against some of the effects of arthritis. Anti-microbial qualities make the oil useful in treating infections, viruses and other harmful microbes.

Try adding a few drops to hair products for a helpful hair moisturising treatment.

See all of our SALE OILS here:

* Aromatherapy * Incense * Smudge *

FREE SHIPPING for Orders over $100

#honeysuckle #aromatherapy #essentialoil #essentialoils #natural #scent #fragrance #perfume #wellbeing #calm #relax #stress #ScentYourLife #Aroma_Queen

$1 Incense * Free Aroma Recipes * Clearance Aromatherapy

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